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Get acquainted with osFinancials


The basic version includes the following (unlimited) functions.

  • Ledgers
  • Debtors / creditors
  • Contacts
  • Cash/bank books
  • Journal entry
  • Stock items
  • Documents (orders, purchase, returning nota's, quote, invoice, credit nota's)
  • Reports (trial balances, profit and loss, budgets, open items, list of entries, etc)
  • Unlimited number of books
  • Backup /recover functions
  • Calendar function (multi calendar through a plugin)
  • Projects
  • Costs centre
  • Budgets
  • Workflow
  • Automatic ordering advice for inventory by default supplier
  • And much more


More information:


Debiteuren en crediteuren

Debiteuren en crediteuren 2

Agenda functie
