This product is available in the Dutch language only.
This handbook consists of 161 pages and covers osFinancials version 4.x. The handbook is divided in 4 parts. The first part contains the basics of accounting. (what is a debtor/creditor?, what kind of account/legders there are, when to use which account/ledger?).
In the second part we explain in detail the basic of the program osFinancials for example: the installation, the making of the account, the making of the debtors/creditors/legders, the making of documents and making a backup.
Part 3 shows extra features of osFinancials, for example opening a new bookyear, generate rapports or the use of projects. The handbook is closed by part 4, This is a part with some reference to the program osFinancials (menu structure, tab structure)
The handbook is only available in PDF and is only available in a download.
After receiving the payment, the handbook is ready for download at "My Orders".