- Old Passwords longer than 8 characters was not trimmed so it would compare the long password with the one that is just 8 chars.
- Column balance was not putting out the right data for some clients ( data on end of month )
- Switch language was giving strange translation results.
- Repeating transactions was giving AV.
- Usertab mode in access control was still allowing other tabs ( now hidden)
- If auto refresh was on the list in stock was resetting.
Added / Changed
- New osf5 helpfile from Digidan.
- New Spreadsheet based export.
- New Spreadsheet sales import.
- Added more functions to the Spreadsheet component like lookup accountcode and printing.
- Added functions to skip lines and link on bank accounts or email address for debtors creditors.
- Bankimport right mouse menu was missing
- Dutch tax plugin : Converted the wrong one (old) with a wrong memory manager so it was giving AV.
Use the Zip if the installer does not work on your operating system.
Unpack and make a shortcut to accounting.exe